Platicando con los pequeños sobre la raza y otros temas sensibles


Nos demos cuenta o no, los niños son muy conscientes de lo que sucede en el mundo que nos rodea. Cuando nos enfrentamos a situaciones delicadas, es posible que no sepamos qué decir o cómo decirlo, lo que hace que sea más fácil no abordar esos temas en absoluto. Durante esta capacitación, exploraremos estrategias para […]

Transition in Early Childhood at Age Three for Children with Special Needs


Children receiving services through California Early Start will need to transition out of the program by age three. As an early educator, you will play a large role during this transition. This training is designed to assist early educators in understanding their role in supporting children and families during this time. Participants will review the […]

POLL-Using Intentional Messages and Songs/Chants Learning Language Project


POLL Session 3: Using Intentional Messages and Songs/Chants Learning Language Project The third session of the Personalized Oral Learning Language (POLL) series will introduce participants to two new strategies.  Participants will learn how to use Intentional Messages and Songs/Chats while working with Dual Language Learners. During this interactive session, participants will also have the opportunity […]

Infant/Toddler Caregiving Routines Workshop


Specifically for Family, Friend, and Neighbor and Family Child Care providers only This workshop will provide an overview of why caregiving routines like feeding, toileting, and resting are important opportunities to build caring relationships. Designed to support continuous improvement efforts of infant/toddler programs, the workshop will help familiarize participants with the practice of primary  and individualized […]

Una vista general de Los Cuestionarios Edades y Etapas (ASQ and ASQ -SE)


En esta presentación general de los Cuestionarios Edades y Etapas (ASQ and ASQ -SE), cubriremos los conceptos básicos de ambas herramientas de detección. Los participantes explorarán los beneficios de usar una herramienta de evaluación del desarrollo para la intervención temprana  y la importancia de identificar a los niños que potencialmente pueden estar en riesgo de […]

Strengthening Families: Social Connections


In this session, participants will dive into the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework and define what it means for parents to have social connections. Identify the actions you can take as an ECE professional to help strengthen parenting among families. Walk away with strategies so you can create a plan to integrate these ideas into […]

Intervención Temprana


Esta capacitación brindará a los participantes la oportunidad de explorar el concepto de intervención temprana. Durante nuestra discusión, repasaremos la definición de intervención temprana, los recursos disponibles y las formas en que puede apoyar a los niños y las familias durante el proceso. A través de conversaciones interesantes y la reflexión individual, los asistentes se […]

Supporting Early Brain Development through Responsive Relationships


This workshop will help participants to: Learn key components of early brain development from the prenatal stage to age 3 years Describe what is most important for infant care teachers and families to know about early brain development and why Identify early risk factors and describe ways that programs can support families when risks are […]

Apoyar el desarrollo temprano del cerebro a través de relaciones sensibles


QUIÉN DEBE ASISTIR? Proveedores de niños de familia, amigos y vecinos Proveedores y asistentes de cuidado infantil en el hogar Maestros y asistentes de cuidado infantil que trabajan con niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 36 meses Administradores de programas para bebés y niños pequeños OBJETIVOS DEL TALLER Este taller ayudará a los participantes a: […]

An Introduction to the Business Administration Tool for Family Child Care Homes


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of family child care home programs. During this introductory training, participants will receive an overview of the BAS assessment, including its content and scoring. Participants will discover how to utilize the tool to identify program strengths and areas needing […]

The Growing Brain: Everyday Play


Understand the importance of play in children's brain development. Explore the different types of play, including free and guided play, and how to maximize learning through play experiences. Learn the core skills children develop through play and how to promote these skills through activity planning. If you are outside of the Los Angeles County area, […]

Supporting Young Children’s Home Language


This session of the Personalized Oral Languages Learning (POLL) Series will highlight how to incorporate POLL strategies within curriculum and activity planning. The discussion will center on the importance of supporting the home language while children are learning English. Participants will share ideas on creating home language experiences in the classroom and will explore the […]

Understanding Professional Growth as a Family Child Care Home Provider


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of family child care home providers and programs. In this session, participants will reflect on their current professional qualifications using the BAS tool. Participants will receive information on professional development opportunities to help increase the quality of their child […]

Establishing Team Culture


​ During this interactive training, participants will build an awareness of various personalities and perspectives. Participants will learn how to bring people together to form a team environment and strategies to maintain a team culture. Through self-reflection and discussion, participants will be able to define teamwork from a leadership perspective. To register: Go to […]

Child Care Immunizations Records


In this session participants will learn: California State Law and Community Care Licensing Requirements on immunizations for children in care, staff, and volunteers Best practices for tracking and keeping immunization documents, including the new updated forms and guides, to ensure records are up to date The importance of effective communication with parents regarding immunizations for […]

Parent Café: Learn the Signs. Act Early.


Join the conversation: Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5 years. Discuss the importance of tracking your child’s development to help with early identification of possible delays. Discover tools such as the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. to use as a guide to understanding the development of your […]

Preparación Para Casos de Desastre en el Cuidado Infantil


En esta capacitación, los participantes: Aprenderán sobre las necesidades diferentes y únicas de los niños y las familias durante los momentos de desastre. Revisarán los formularios requeridos por licenciamiento en caso de una emergencia. Comprenda lo que debe hacer durante las fases de una emergencia: mitigación, preparación, respuesta y recuperación. Discutirán los requisitos de licenciamiento, […]

La Disciplina en un Mundo Diverso


El cuidado y la educación de la primera infancia se vuelven cada vez más diversos. Nuestra capacidad para trabajar de manera efectiva con familias y niños de diversos orígenes es fundamental para la calidad de los servicios. Esta sesión explora cómo la cultura de uno puede influir en las rutinas, el estilo de cuidado y […]

Child Mental Health: What Teachers Need to Know


Understanding social emotional development is the key to helping young families (and ourselves) develop coping skills and resiliency. During this training, we will review the fundamentals of child mental health and learn new ways to provide solutions to behavior challenges. Learn how to recognize signs of stress and conflict in children, including how to identify […]

Understanding Anti-Bias Education


In this interactive training, we will reflect on anti-bias education, tools, and strategies to use in the ECE classroom. Strengthen your knowledge and skills to create a classroom community that supports all aspects of human differences. Through meaningful conversations, consider your own practices and learn how to promote your own anti-bias curriculum. To Register: 1. Visit […]

Understanding Anti-Bias Education


In this interactive training, we will reflect on anti-bias education, tools, and strategies to use in the ECE classroom. Strengthen your knowledge and skills to create a classroom community that supports all aspects of human differences. Through meaningful conversations, consider your own practices and learn how to promote your own anti-bias curriculum. To register: Go […]

Parent Cafe: The Growing Brain


Building brains through relationships and experiences. Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes […]

Basic Record Keeping for Family Child Care Homes


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of Family Child Care programs. During this session, participants will learn the importance of record-keeping and other business-related practices. Participants will review record keeping basics, including time-space percentages, and tracking various expenses. By the end of this session, participants […]

Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being


Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes are offered in a safe and […]

Violence and Active Shooter Training


Are you ready to respond to a violent incident in your program? Being ready does not have to be scary. Join CCRC and Institute for Childhood Preparedness for a interactive training developed specifically for child care Providers. Training is grounded in real-world evidence and features hands on exercises. Course will include topics on: - Risk […]

Clase Preventiva de Salud y Seguridad para el Cuidado Infantil


En esta clase interactive aprenderá sobre las mejores prácticas para combater la propagación de enfermedade y los requisites de vacuna. Discuta las pólizas y los procedimientos de seguridad para prevenir las lesions y las leyes y reglamentos sobre la nutrición en los programas de cuidado infanitl.  Este clase está aprobada por la EMSA y cumple […]

Parent Café: Los Cinco Factores Protectores


Únase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el espíritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores. ¡Pulse aquí para registrarse!

Preventive Health & Safety Training


This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Prevention of Injuries, Lead, and Nutrition. You must complete All 3 days (8-hours) of training in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will not […]

Parent Café: The Growing Brain

QSSB Training Location 1111 East Mill Street, San Bernardino, CA, United States

Building brains through relationships and experiences. Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes […]

Flip It! Feelings


Flip it! Transforming Challenging Behaviors is a 5-part series aimed to teach child care providers how to respond positively to everyday challenging behaviors. In this session, we will discuss feelings and their connection to children’s behavior. Participants will learn how to gently talk with children about their feelings and help them understand the negative emotions […]

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