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Infant/Toddler Caregiving Routines Workshop

Specifically for Family, Friend, and Neighbor and Family Child Care providers only

This workshop will provide an overview of why caregiving routines like feeding, toileting, and resting are important opportunities to build caring relationships. Designed to support continuous improvement efforts of infant/toddler programs, the workshop will help familiarize participants with the practice of primary  and individualized care as they relate to caregiving routines.

To register email or call:

Claudia Castillo at CCastillo@ccrcca.org  or (909) 550-0614


Karla Garzon at Kgarzon@ccrcca.org or (747) 755-5749

Be prepared to leave the following information:

  1. Full name
  2. Active email address
  3. CA Registry ID number if you have one. If you need a CA Registry, please specify “need CA Registry ID

Not familiar with the California Registry? Learn more here!

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