High quality early care and education makes a difference in children’s lives. Quality Start San Bernardino County is working to make sure all children in our county are ready for kindergarten and have the foundation they need to succeed throughout elementary and high school, at college, and in their careers.


Quality Start San Bernardino County is a collaborative effort that is successful thanks to strong community partnerships. We invite all members of the community to get involved in this important work!

To participate in the critical effort to ensure high quality care for all children in San Bernardino County, you can:

  • 1 Sign up to participate in QSSB as an early childhood program.
  • 2 Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and share QSSB content.
  • 3 Be a champion for high quality early care and education by spreading the word about QSSB. Download and share a program fact sheet in English or Spanish.