Week of Events
Módulo 4 – Entendiendo El Trauma Histórico
Módulo 4 – Entendiendo El Trauma Histórico
¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! El el Módulo 4 – Entendiendo El Trauma Histórico, cubriremos: – La conexión entre la discriminación social y mayores niveles de estrés – Formas […]
Story Time with CCRC [Virtual]
Story Time with CCRC [Virtual]
Get ready for an exciting read-aloud virtual story time! During this interactive session, we will read a book, sing songs, move our bodies, and connect with other children and caregivers. Each day we will read a different story that will engage children as they explore the world around them. Registration is required. Complete the Story Time […]
Módulo 5 – Fortaleciendo mi Paternidad Después de que Pasan Cosas Terribles
Módulo 5 – Fortaleciendo mi Paternidad Después de que Pasan Cosas Terribles
¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! En el Módulo 5 – Fortaleciendo mi Paternidad Después de que Pasan Cosas Terribles, cubriremos: – Cómo permanecer flexible en tiempos difíciles para desarrollar […]
Parent Café: Social Connections [Victorville]
Parent Café: Social Connections [Victorville]
Parents are invited to join the conversation at CCRC's next in person Strengthening Families Parent Café: Social Connections at their office in Victorville. Parenthood brings joy, laughter, smiles and all the good times that we all talk about. But nobody really talks about the challenges that we face with our children. Join for meaningful conversations […]
Victor Valley College Child Development Conference
Victor Valley College Child Development Conference
Make plans to participate in this conference focused on diversity and how child care providers and future educators can implement it in the classroom. Dive into workshops on classroom techniques, hear from Keynote speaker Dr. Amanda Wilcox-Herzog on "Addressing Bias in Practice: The Foundation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," and more! Click here for more […]
Infant and Toddler Learning Development Program Guidelines
Infant and Toddler Learning Development Program Guidelines
This training will provide early childhood educators with care with guidance on the essential elements of a high-quality infant and toddler program. Participants will gain knowledge in “Setting the Stage for Program Quality” and the dive into the 10 Guidelines for Operating a High-Quality Program: – 1: Aspiring to Be a High-Quality Program – 2: […]
Módulo 6 – Mi Cuidado Personal Es Importante
Módulo 6 – Mi Cuidado Personal Es Importante
¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! En el Módulo 6 – Mi Cuidado Personal Es Importante, cubriremos: – La importancia del autocuidado para preservar y mejorar el bienestar y aprender […]