Week of Events
Introduction to ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2
Introduction to ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2
This training introduces the ASQ®-3 and ASQ®:SE-2 developmental screening tools. Participants will learn how early childhood educators can use the tools to identify areas of developmental concern or needs for additional developmental support. Through this training, participants will gain confidence to better explain to parents the importance of their role in the screening process. Participants […]
Meaningful Observation Teacher Training (Series)
Meaningful Observation Teacher Training (Series)
Learn about the purpose of observation and how it can benefit your program. Discover various ways to observe and collect evidence. Create an observation system, including reviewing and reflecting on documentation. Gain the skills you need to effectively rate DRDPs. This is a 3-day series. All classes are from 6pm - 8pm Day 1 - […]
Fortalecimiento de las familias: Competencia Socio Emocional de los Niños
Fortalecimiento de las familias: Competencia Socio Emocional de los Niños
Los participantes aprenderán sobre la importancia, la influencia de la cultura, la salud socio-emocional, el temperamento, y las etapas de desarrollo social y emocional, de los niños. Se presentaran estrategias para promover una identidad cultural positiva e interactuar en una sociedad diversa; cómo responder proactivamente cuando el desarrollo social y emocional parece necesitar apoyo. Esta […]
Flip It! Transforming Challenging Behaviors [Victorville]
Flip It! Transforming Challenging Behaviors [Victorville]
Parent trainings provide tools to strengthen, foster, and support parents’ and caregivers’ knowledge in child development! Join Flip It! Transforming Challenging Behavior in Victorville to learn how you can respond positively to everyday challenging behaviors when it comes to your children 3-8 years old. FLIP IT (F=feelings, L=limits, I=inquiries, and P=prompts), is a supportive strategy […]
Meaningful Observation Teacher Training (Series)
Meaningful Observation Teacher Training (Series)
Learn about the purpose of observation and how it can benefit your program. Discover various ways to observe and collect evidence. Create an observation system, including reviewing and reflecting on documentation. Gain the skills you need to effectively rate DRDPs. This is a 3-day series. All classes are from 6pm - 8pm Day 1 - […]