Personalize Oral Language Learning (POLL) is a DLL comprehensive approach to systematically and fully support each Dual Language Learner. This tool enables all early childhood educators, including those who are monolingual speakers, to self-reflect on the unique teaching practices needed to fully support each child who is a DLL Learner. POLL is a series of 5 sessions which are recommended to be taken consecutively.
Personalize Oral Language Learning Session 2 Learning Objectives
- Sharing Experiences with Family Language and Interests Interview
- Introduction to Integrating Home Language Support
- Environmental Supports
- Introduction to Vocabulary Development and Anchor Text/ Anchor Experiences
To register go to and search by sponsor name Child Care Resource Center.
Virtual meeting details to follow.
For questions or cancellations, please contact:
Mercedes Williams at (909) 384-8000 ext. 2074 or email at
Dominique Metoyer at (909) 384-8000 ext.4251 or email at