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Infant/Toddler Early Brain Development Workshop

This workshop will provide an overview of key components of early brain development from prenatal stage to age three years. Designed to support continuous improvement efforts of infant/toddler programs, the workshop will help participants to become familiar with what would be important to know about early brain development and why.

Intended audience: Family, Friend & Neighbor Providers, and providers who want to include this knowledge for professional growth.

To Register: Email Apreciado@ccrcca.org or contact Angelica F. Preciado (818) 717-1000 Ext:4232 or call at (747) 755-5749. Please ensure to have the following information:
1. Full Name
2. Active Email address
3. California Workforce Registry number  if you have one. If you need a Registry number, please indicate in the email that you “Need a Registry ID number.”

Training from PITC: Program for Infant Toddler Care

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