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Building a Parent Nation Webinar Registration

What if society were truly aligned to the neuroscience and the science of child development? What policies and investments would it make? How would parents be supported in their essential roles as first teacher, brain builder, and advocate? Could we finally close disparities for millions of children? Please join us for a conversation with Dr. Dana Suskind about the importance of building a society that shares in the responsibility of raising children – ideas and recommendations at the heart of her forthcoming book, Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child’s Potential, Fulfilling Society’s Promise.

Following her presentation, Yolie Flores, Campaign Director for Parent Nation, will share how communities can join the Building a Parent Nation movement – including how to access the free tools and resources to mobilize parents through Parent Villages.

A panel of California leaders will then discuss the important role of policymakers and community leaders – including parents – in building a parent nation.

Register here!

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