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STEM and Creativity in the Outdoor Classroom

November 21, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Learn how to take your learning centers outdoors and facilitate active learning in your own natural environment. Provide activities that help children connect with nature, animals, the community and caring for the earth. Whether your classroom’s backyard contains sand, dirt, flowers, vegetables, canopies, play equipment, trees or just plain concrete…this creative workshop will fill you with ideas to make the best of your own outdoor classroom situation.

• This training fulfills 2 hours in the Competency Area: Learning Environments and Curriculum (LEC)

To Register:

  • Visit www.caregistry.org
  • Login to your profile or create a profile
  • Click on Training Calendar and search Training Organization (Keyword: Child Care Resource Center)
  • Select the training and click on view event details
  • Click on “Enroll Now”


November 21, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm




Quality Start San Bernardino
909-890-0018 ext.2054
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