Marketing Strategies for Family Child Care Homes


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of Family Child Care programs. During this session, participants will learn strategies for marketing their family child care program to reach current and potential clients. Strategies to be discussed will include communicating program benefits for children and their families […]

Theories of Child Development


This introductory training covers the foundational theories of child development. During this session, participants will learn about the most influential theorists and their contributions to the ECE field. Participants will reflect on how these theories tie into their current practices as they gain a deeper understanding of how and why children grow, learn, and act […]

Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being (Inclusion)


Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes are offered in a safe and […]

The Growing Brain: The Basics


Understand the basics of brain growth and development from conception through age five. Learn the parts of the brain, their functions, and how nerve cells communicate and connect. Explore the concept of neuroplasticity and the role of early experiences in making connections between areas of the brain. Important Registration Information: If you are outside of […]

Resiliencia en los Padres de Familia


Sumérjase en el marco de los Factores de Protección para el Fortalecimiento de las Familias— una iniciativa nacional e internacional destinada a desarrollar y mejorar cinco características específicas que ayudan a mantener a las familias fuertes y a los niños seguros. • Examine el factor protector de resiliencia de los padres para comprender su papel […]

A Closer Look at the Family Child Care Environmental Scale (FCCERS-R) Part One


In this two-part training, participants will review the Family Child Care Environmental Rating Scale (FCCERS-R) and understand its comprehensive approach to creating a quality child care program. Participants will examine various areas that contribute to positive development in children, including health and safety, social-emotional development, intellectual and language stimulation, and appropriate learning activities. During this […]

Playgroup: STEAM Cohort


During this 8-week cohort, children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs, reading stories, and participating in interactive activities. During our weekly sessions, our early childhood experts will guide you and your child through interactive activities and provide you with tools and resources to create quality early childhood experiences in your […]

Reducing Germs and Pests for Healthy Schools and Learning Environments- Healthy School Act


In this online training, providers will learn more about the Healthy Schools Act (HSA) and your responsibilities to stay in compliance. Discuss strategies for keeping a clean environment free of pests, allergens, and other toxins. Discover the various forms of pesticides, including antimicrobial pesticides such as bleach, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers. Understand why children are […]

Beginning Again: Setting the Stage for Inclusion


During this introductory session, participants will understand how to create an environment of inclusiveness and belonging for children and their families. Participants will learn key terms and definitions, how to navigate the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the benefits of inclusion in Early Childhood education programs. By the end of the session, participants […]

Parent Café: Strengthening Families


Join the Conversation via Zoom! The Parent Cafés are based on the Strengthening Families Framework and the Five Protective Factors. At the cafés, families will have meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families and how to make them stronger. Click here to register! Contact for questions of more information.

Playgroup: Inclusion Cohort


During this 8-week inclusion cohort, children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs, reading stories, and participating in interactive activities. During our weekly sessions, our early childhood experts will guide you and your child through interactive activities and provide you with tools and resources to create quality early childhood experiences in […]

Family Child Care Financial Planning-BAS


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of Family Child Care programs. During this session, participants will learn how to maintain the financial health of their child care business. Participants will understand their role as an employer when hiring assistants and consider the importance of employee […]

Healthy Food, Healthy Children


In this training session, participants will discuss the Healthy Beverages in Child Care Act, Licensing Regulations, and best practices for serving healthy food options in Licensed Child Care facilities. Discover resources and guides to serving foods that contribute to children’s health, growth, and development. Identify food safety practices that reduce the risk and spread of […]

Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being


Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes are offered in a safe and […]

Playgroup: Thursday Afternoon Cohort


During this 8-week cohort, children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs, reading stories, and participating in interactive activities. During our weekly sessions, our early childhood experts will guide you and your child through interactive activities and provide you with tools and resources to create quality early childhood experiences in your […]

¡Voltéalo! Paso 1 Sentimientos


¡Voltearlo! transformando conductas desafiantes es una serie de 5 partes destinada a enseñar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil cómo responder positivamente a los comportamientos desafiantes . En esta sesión, discutiremos los sentimientos y su conexión con el comportamiento de los niños. Los participantes aprenderán cómo hablar suavemente con los niños sobre sus sentimientos y […]

ECE Competencies: Strengthening the Knowledge and Skills of Early Childhood Professionals


Deepen your professional knowledge by using the California Early Childhood Educator Competencies as an action plan for professional development. Dive into the twelve competency areas to understand the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that early childhood educators need to support young children’s learning and development. Practice self-assessment and reflective dialogue to identify your position within the […]

Parent Café: Los Cinco Factores Protectore


Únase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el espíritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores. Tema de sesión: Relaciones Pulse aquí pgistrarseara re. Para preguntas contactar o (818) 717-1042.

Child Development: Learn the Signs. Act Early


Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5 years. Discuss the importance of tracking a child’s development to help with early identification of possible delays. Discover tools such as the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. to use as a guide to understanding the development of the children in your […]

CA Child Care Preventive Health & Safety


This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Prevention of Injuries, Lead, and Nutrition. You must complete All 3 days (8-hours) of training in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will absolutely […]

Parent Café: Inclusion Learn the Signs. Act Early.


Join the conversation: Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5 years. Discuss the importance of tracking your child’s development to help with early identification of possible delays. Discover tools such as the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. to use as a guide to understanding the development of your […]

The Growing Brain: The Factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development


Understand and identify the key factors that affect brain development. Discover strategies, such as the 5 R’s, to support healthy overall brain growth in children. Understand how stress effects the developing brain. • This training is Gateways Eligible: Child Development and Learning (CDL To Register: 1. Visit 2. Login to your profile or create a […]

Parent Café: Raising Safe Kids


Join the conversation: Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5 years. Discuss the importance of tracking your child’s development to help with early identification of possible delays. Discover tools such as the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. to use as a guide to understanding the development of your […]

Childhood Stress: Reducing the Risk and Building Resiliency


In this web-based training, providers will understand the causes of stress and the harmful effects it has on children’s brains and bodies. Discover simple, everyday strategies to help support children’s mental and physical well-being. Learn how to initiate discussions with staff and families about how to build resilience within children. Explore resources caregivers can use […]

Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being


Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes are offered in a safe and […]

Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: A Cultural Awareness Training


Understand how your values, beliefs, and life experience influence how you care for the children in your facility. Develop a deeper understanding of the role culture plays in the interactions between you and the families you work with. Strengthen your cultural awareness to build stronger communication and bonds with the child and their family. This […]

CA Child Care Preventive Health & Safety


This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Prevention of Injuries, Lead, and Nutrition. You must complete both days (8-hours) of training in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will absolutely NOT […]

Flip It! Limits


Flip it! Transforming Challenging Behaviors is a 5-part series aimed to teach child care providers how to respond positively to everyday challenging behaviors. During this session, we will discuss the benefits of creating simple, consistent limits within the child care setting. Participants will learn how to develop clear and understandable rules to prevent unsafe or […]

Parent Training Series: Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors


Join us, as we discuss: • Helping your children develop healthy habits • Preparing children to be successful in school • Resources and services available to support your family • How to interact with other parents in your community. To register, please email Dates in the series 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, […]

Family Engagement and Support in Family Child Care Homes


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of Family Child Care programs. During this session, we will discuss the meaning of family engagement in the child care setting. Together, we will discuss how strong family engagement and support leads to positive outcomes for children. By the […]

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